OpenLI 1.1.0 released!
After a long time in the development "oven", OpenLI 1.1.0 has now been released!A brief summary of the changes in this release can be found in the OpenLI ChangeLog. More details on the bigger changes will be provided later in this post.Packages are available for download from our Cloudsmith repository for the following Linux distributions:Debian (buster, bullseye, and bookworm)Ubuntu (18.04, 20.04, and 22.04)CentOS 7RockyLinux 8 and 9AlmaLinux 8 and 9Fedora 37 and 38Instructions for downloading ...
July 5, 2023OpenLI Provisioner Web UI Released
The OpenLI team are very pleased to announce the release of the OpenLI provisioner web UI: a web application that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing and configuring lawful intercepts within the OpenLI interception platform.The web UI is a ReactJS application that uses the existing OpenLI provisioner REST API to interface with the intercept configuration for a running OpenLI instance. With the new UI, OpenLI users can now easily add, remove or browse interceptions inside their...
May 22, 2023OpenLI Newsletter - August 2022
OpenLI website gets a revamp!The new website design and layout reflects the ongoing development and advancement of OpenLI. The new OpenLI website features a Resources page where educational blogs are added monthly and OpenLI related press releases are presented. It also includes a comprehensive series of tutorial lessons that teach network operators about lawful interception, packet capture, and the use of OpenLI. Visit the OpenLI website for further information about our low-cost support ...
August 5, 2022What is lawful interception?
In the recent years, with the advancement of technology, legislatures around the world have created and introduced laws defining the legal framework and authority for their respective governments to perform interception. The Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Act (TICSA) was passed in New Zealand in November 2013. Under this Act, the police have the responsibility for maintaining a register of network operators that holds information, on behalf of all the surveillance agen...
June 17, 2022FAQ - OpenLI
1. What is OpenLI? OpenLI is a lawful interception software solution written by the WAND Network Research group at the University of Waikato. OpenLI implements the ETSI standards for the interception of IP and IP multimedia services. The initial development of OpenLI was funded by a group of New Zealand Internet service providers. The primary aim of OpenLI was to meet the requirements of New Zealand's TICSA legislation, which required networ...
May 27, 2022Open Lawful Intercept for Asia Pacific
OpenLI is the only open source software capable of meeting the ETSI standards for lawful interception. OpenLI has achieved broad acceptance among network operators in New Zealand but is not well known in other countries. It has benefits beyond low cost in that OpenLI is easy to deploy and maintain and is capable of high performance (i.e. multiple Gbps of concurrent interception).This project worked with APNIC to reach out to operators in other Asia Pacific jurisdictions to understand their requi...
May 20, 2022Open-source solution enables operators to comply with Lawful Interception standards
Many network operators have a regulatory requirement to incorporate Lawful Interception (LI) capabilities into their networks, so that Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) can perform authorized electronic surveillance of specific target individuals. What constitutes a suitable intercept varies across jurisdictions; while some agencies will still accept pcap files of a target’s traffic that is delivered after an event, it is increasingly common for agencies to mandate intercepts in a format that ca...
March 31, 2020Hi-tech for public good
The University of Waikato’s WAND Network Research Group is the finals of New Zealand’s Hi-Tech Awards. Based in the School of Computer Science, the WAND Group is involved with a range of computer networks projects mostly focused on network measurement, and for the Hi-Tech awards they’ve been nominated in the Best Hi-Tech Solution for Public Good category, for their programme OpenLI.OpenLI is a collaboration between WAND and New Zealand internet service providers (ISPs), to develo...
April 10, 2019 Posts 1-8 of 8 | Page